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2018-11-15 PB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex
PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes--–
November 15, 2018,  7:30 PM

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Ian Catlow, Tom Sullivan & Ann Neuburg

7:30 PM   Chair opened meeting.
Doug Andrysick was in with John and Sandi Calcia for land at the end of Town Farm Road. They wanted to discuss filing a subdivision plan for lot 22-4 which has 10+ acres but insufficient frontage for building construction. The plan would include a land swap with abutter Thorsen who has 2+ acres and 225’ of frontage on Town Farm road. The swap would add land to the Torsen’s back yard and subtract 50’ from the frontage, but the new subdivision cul-de-sac road would provide new frontage for the Thorsens and for a new house to be built by the Calcias. The land around the rear of the property is owned by DCR.
        The board discussed the use of deed restrictions and a note on the recorded subdivision plan to prevent further development. An independent engineer such as Jim Shuris could review the plan for the town at the cost of the applicant. Construction of a scaled-down, gravel road would require a number of waivers and would not need to meet road standards for town acceptance, although the addition of a turn-around at the end of Town Farm Road may make it desirable for town acceptance for the benefit of DPW and public safety vehicles. Doug explained that their next step would be a definitive plan.

8:18 PM  The Board decided to postpone discussion on possible zoning by-law amendments (site plan review for all marijuana facilities, large buildings, clear cutting, and trailers) until all Board members were present.

8:20 PM   The Board voted all in favor with Tom S. abstaining to approve minutes for the November 1 meeting.

8:25 PM   Board adjourned

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger,  admin. assist.

Upcoming meetings:     Dec. 6 & 20, 2018

Referenced Documents:      Plot plans and proposals of Town Farm Road property.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department